Activate Card

A new card is created in 'Pending' status and must be activated before it can be used for transactions at merchants or ATMs.

Clients must successfully identify the cardholder and confirm card possession before activating their card. Clients are advised to ask cardholders, the Card number, CVV and their Date of Birth (that was provided during card creation) to successfully verify the cardholder and their possession of the card. This may be done over an IVR, Web portal or a Mobile Application. On successful verification, clients can proceed to call 'Activate Card' APIto change the card status from 'Pending' to 'Active'.

For debit PIN enabled cards, clients must allow cardholders to set a PIN at the time of Card Activation. Clients can use 'Set PIN' and 'Get PIN' APIend points to set or get the cardholder's debit PIN.

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